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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A New Facet to the Dental Project

by Rankin Skinner

In February, Rankin, Ruthi, Roberta, and Donald Skinner spent three weeks in Ecuador. We delivered 3,400 toothbrushes, applied a new fluoride varnish that remineralizes enamel and dentin and causes teeth to absorb 200% more fluoride, and delivered sealant material to participating clinics. We recruited firemen, policemen and Red Cross volunteers to help us accomplish this large task. This was the first time we have had help and it was GREAT! We also attended the indigenous soccer tournament in Peguche, where my Compadre's( Jaime Yacelga) team won the championship. The pregame show was three hours of dance and music. David Coffey's group took another 2,200 toothbrushes, which have been distributed in Ibarra. We also shipped 5,000 toothbrushes to the Peace Corps to distribute to the victims of Tunguarahua. We are working towards a national program in dental health, but that is another story.

Following the Skinner family’s visit to Ibarra, the following article appeared in the local newspaper:
La organizacion altruista denomindada "Companeros de las
Americas" combatira las caries en la ninez imbaburena aplicando
un barnez sellante recientemente inventado. El programa en el pais empezo en el 2002. El doctor Skinner entrego su sellante al Ministerio de Salud en esa occasion trabajo bien con ninos de algunas escuelas de Ibarra y el sector de La Esperanza, hasta el momento se ha traido al pais ciento cincuenta mil dosis del sellante. El objetivo de este ano seria llegar a cubrir todas las escuelas de la provincia de Imbabura como un plan piloto. Posteriormente se ampliara a nivel nacional. Para esto "Companeros de las Americas" intentaran conseguir el apoyo economico de la Fundacion Gates, de Bill Gates de Estados Unidos. Es un programa social. El programa odontologico para los ninos favorecidos es gratuito. Su objetivo, la prevencion de las caries en la ninez y tendra una duracion de 5 anos, solo en
Imbabura. Paralelamente al desarrollo del programa se sumara una provincia por ano. La segunda provincia seria Esmeraldas, por el regimen de estudios costa-sierra, y poder copar los tres meses de vacaciones escolares.

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About Kentucky Ecuador Partners

Kentucky Partners of the Americas (a chapter of Partners of the Americas) has enjoyed a partnership with Ecuador since 1965. (Currently, Kentucky works with areas of Ecuador including Quito, Santo Domingo de los Colorados, and the Amazon Basin. Kentucky-Ecuador Partners has been one of the most progressive and most productive partnerships. The Kentucky chapter is supported by volunteers from most regions of the Commonwealth. Members are located in Winchester, Lexington, Louisville, Murray, Richmond, Whitesburg, Danville, Frankfort, Bowling Green, and other cities.